Defining AI: How is it making a difference in education?
Educators, learners, and institutes use technology daily, and integrating it into the classroom has become important to enhance the teaching-learning process. And with the recent trend in the use of AI in technology, it has become important that technology in the classrooms is developing & innovating with the same. Instant results, a wide variety to explore resources, voice assistants, image creators, video creators, and many more are the potential benefits of AI implementation in classroom technology. Now is the time to understand the implications, its effective usage, and future consequences in the teaching and learning process.
AI and EdTech:?
Before artificial intelligence, there were many innovations that have brought an impactful change in the learning procedure of today’s time. Leading EdTech brands in India with their state-of-art digital learning solutions have helped classroom sessions to run effectively. These learning solutions include Digital Boards, Interactive Displays, Digital Language Lab, Virtual classrooms and LMS, k-12 digital content, and many more. Although these innovative solutions cannot replace teachers in the classrooms, but it can really help in aiding these talented teachers to create a learning environment where conceptual growth of students will be prioritized.
The AI and its integration in technology thus will ensure much growth of the learners in almost every sector allowing them to develop, enhance and explore their growth that to instantly. Therefore, multiple education technology providers are trying to implement AI in their learning solution to bring effective consequences.
Benefits of Integrating AI in Education:
The easy-to-use ChatGpt has ensured the unlimited potentialities for learners to find a variety of answers online which can be done instantly with just a link. AI has effectively established careers for many in recent times allowing them to be self-reliable, independent, and extremely knowledgeable. Exploring that we have mentioned some of the important benefits of AI that have completely transformed the approach in the delivery of education. There is a long way to go, and the acceptance of the change is persistence
• Enhancing ProductivityUsing AI in technology can help learners with the enhancement of productivity due to its instant solution for problems.
• Enhancing ProductivityMultiple options for one solution provide brainstorming sessions for learners to get different perspectives on the same query. Also, comparing the resources will help in increasing better analytical skills. Globus Interactive Display includes an AI-enabled pen, the intelligent pen allows users to simply doodle an object and search relevant images on Google.
• Most effective medium of teaching & learningAI-enabled technology in education enhances accessibility to education. AI ensure personalized learning experiences for learners to make them learn at their own pace.
• Analyse students’ performancesAI can monitor students' attendance, submission of assignments, and performance on certain activities to help detect learning gaps or alert users to unsettling behavior. This makes it much simpler for a teacher to create effective interventions quickly for better analysis.
• Create an engaging learning environmentPeople want engaging learning strategies that make learning fun and exciting in today's fast-paced, technologically driven society. AI in technology enables this.
Conclusion:Integrating AI in the classroom will help learners to grow effectively providing engaging learning experiences. While AI is helping in transforming the education system a number of issues, including data privacy and ethics, the necessity for ongoing training and assistance, and the possibility of unequal access to technology and digital skills, are raised by the classroom's incorporation of technology.
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Deepaka mathur
Meenakshi Soni
Monalisa Wallace
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