"Tell me and I will forget; show me, and I may remember; involve me and I will understand"

The rise of Globalisation since 21st century have escalated the use of technologies in every field. Most importantly current moderation in Education system in India can see amplification of use of technologies in classrooms.

Teachers today are finding technologies as easiest medium for instructing students as well as encouraging them towards information learning and not only by-heart learning. Extraordinary innovations in field of technology have made learning more favourable. Modern teachers can now stream educational videos, access digital textbooks, watch recorded lectures to enhance classroom experiences. Leading EdTech brands like Globus Infocom are innovating technologies which are assisting students in healthy manner. Innovations in EdTech like “Learn on Tab” can be the greatest example of authenticate learning through technological indulgence in classrooms.

Technology has the power to transform teaching by ushering new model of connected teaching by using technology in classrooms. The teacher’s knowledge, beliefs, and actions all affect the success of the students. Encouraging student by letting go of classroom control, promoting student’s leadership, and taking actions because of the learning process encourage students further for studies.

How incorporation of technology is rewarding constructive learning:

There are recent developments in the use of technology in the classrooms which are helping in enhancement of classroom learning. Technologies like Tab based Education creates an environment where learner work together with separate attention of screen using technology.

The use of “Learn on Tab” in the classroom develops a new form of communication where children become a part of group by using its pre-installed educational contents, animated experimental videos and by joining web-based classes. Educational tablet shifts the structure of the classroom; whole class teaching transforms itself into small group work where students are guided by their teachers, encourage to take part actively thinking both verbally and visually through engaging multimedia content.

Efforts to integrate technology in classroom made teachers to rethink about the way they approached education earlier and created an environment with opportunities & resources for learning. Teachers need to adapt a new technology-based learning model which will enable them to teach students to apply strategies for solving problems and develop high level thinking skills. In this way teachers act as a guide and also allowing students to learn on their own as they build their own knowledge. 

Tablet based education can make learning better when it is guided by a proper method of teaching which already involves a well-structured learning ecosystem, new tools such as Tab for learning don’t suddenly change the relationship between learners and teachers but it helps in building mutual collaboration as an outcome.

What could be the Benefits of integrating technology into classroom:

The introduction of technology devices like “Learn on Tab “into the classroom environment brings a change in the way students learn. Through Tablet based Education, changes take on a positive direction by creating a learning atmosphere centred around the student rather than the teacher. This is due in part to the replacement of the traditional way of learning. With the use of educational tablet as learning tools the classroom become an active setting full of meaningful activity where the student is made responsible for their learning. Software and hardware both parts of BYOD/Learn on Tab provides great features making it easy for use. Students may review, learn, or discuss in a collaborative manner with the help of tablet devices. Incorporation of technology particularly learn on tab creates so many benefits, some of them could be:

Increase in collaboration:

The positive effects of bringing technology in classroom is the increase in collaboration among teachers and students. This increasing interaction is manifested through the frequent development of shared activities, and engagements, shared tips in classroom, and designing the role of the student towards more self based learning by allowing students for the self- instruction process, growing own self-worth and confidence through tablet-based education learning.

Enhanced learning experiences

They are granted the opportunity to reinforce ideas and skills already learned. The description of the tablet-based education enabled classroom represents an authentic learning experience through technologies that fosters students’ responsibility. The use of technology in the classroom also helped in critical analysis with the help of test scores. Positive results were seen where the immersion programs in schools were implemented with higher level of belief.

Minimizing Dependency over Teachers

With the help of tablet-based education, students do not need to rely on the teacher to locate new sources of information now. In addition, with pre-installed contents in educational tablet it gives the students a certain amount of self-direction. Students in a classroom with tablet-based learning are enthusiastic about having the reliable technology and finding learning environment more enjoyable, relatable & enriching.

Increase in motivation of learning

Increase in motivation leads to the creation of sophisticated activities such as different types of written expressions, multimedia products, and the analysis of data. Research has concluded that when students are engaged in technology-based classrooms, there is a gain in achievement in all subject areas of students. Students tends to engage pretty well with interesting content & resources which offers them diverse perspective towards subject topics & help them with practical understanding.

Factors helping Teachers in using Technology:

There are many factors for teachers to use technology in their classrooms. With the use of technologies in the classroom they make the learner more interested about the subject, by decreasing learning time, they provide opportunities to gain experience in non-traditional ways. Teachers by using technology in their classroom attempt to find a correlation between technology use and teaching practices. Following points could be the major factors in teacher’s use of technology:


  • Self-awareness
  • Access to number of students without the need of infrastructure
  • Have access to limitless resources to create highly engaging content
  • Exposure to technical skills development
  • Finding correlation between technology use and teaching practices
  • Helps in student evaluation, report generation & content
  • Can lead class more confidently & effectively


The coincident emergence of a problem in education and an innovative approach to learning naturally make us ask how one may be a solution for the other. Today EdTech is being major solutions for the current learning crisis and is the sole platform to overcome pandemic induced social distance through online learning. Leading EdTech brands like Globus Infocom have been developing innovative EdTech solutions helping in making quality education accessible to one and all.

To be more effective, EdTech is addressing key causes of the crisis and be part of a larger package of reforms. Those reforms include teacher training, incentives, monitoring, teaching at the right level, improvement for underperforming students, and others. Digital technologies have changed our lives in many ways, mostly for the good, EdTech doing the same by playing a role in addressing the learning crisis as breakthrough in removing Digital Divide.