Hybrid Learning is becoming an increasingly popular phenomenon in global education scenario lately. With the technological boom that has happened across all the sectors within the last few years, the education market has expanded vastly by harnessing technology. Education initiatives like Hybrid Learning and Blended Learning have been taken to tap into the potential of technology and make learning more engaging and customizable for student.

These learning practices have not only evolved for students but have also been made easier and more convenient for teachers as well. Educational organizations can now deliver a variety of learning activities targeting a large number of learners at the same time with the help of these technological advancements.
That’s how Hybrid Learning and Blended Learning approach amp up the impact of education.
What is Hybrid Learning? – Definition
Hybrid Learning is an instructional practice that combined traditional classroom methods, experiential learning objectives and digital learning to foster holistic development of students. It combines both Virtual Classroom (Online Learning) and face-to-face learning to create an ideal learning experience.
Hybrid Learning is an educational model where some students attend the class in person while others join in via remote learning or Virtual Classroom. Teachers teach both remotely and in-person at the same time using a Virtual Classroom and Learning Management System setup. It also involves asynchronous learning like online exercises, e-assessments, pre-recorded video tutorials, multimedia exercises, etc. to aid learning. This method makes education more attainable for many students who cannot attend the class in person.

Benefits of Hybrid Learning
Hybrid Learning methods have several benefits associated with it, including flexible learning, more accessible education, increasing interactivity among students, etc. The primary goal of hybrid learning is to combine best of both the worlds of physical and online learning. The other benefits of Hybrid Learning are:
Better Flexibility
One of the major benefits of Hybrid Learning is that it increases flexibility by several levels. In traditional means of learning, there isn’t as much flexibility as required in the education sector. The ability to conduct both in-person and remote learning in the hybrid model can serve as an invaluable resource for the learners as well as teachers.
The ability to learn flexibly helps during certain challenging conditions wherein educational organizations like schools and colleges cannot operate physically. Even in the absence of such situations, the Hybrid Learning model stands beneficial.
Access to Quality Learning
Hybrid learning model provides opportunity to schools and colleges to provide access to quality education to everyone. While the students attending the class in person can receive education in the traditional method, those who don’t have access to such educational establishments can attend the classes via online learning. This implies that a greater number of learners will be able to participate in the learning process.
Schools and colleges can attract students from wider range of locations, including Tier III cities and rural areas, which otherwise don’t have access to quality education. They can even reach out to international students without them having to relocate.
Better Utilization of Teaching Resources in Hand
Hybrid learning provides opportunity to educational establishments to utilize the teaching resources in hand in a better way. A mix of physical classroom and remote learning allow teachers to cater more students while saving time, resulting in better utilization of resources in hand. Another key benefit of Hybrid Learning is that it involves blending of both learning styles (physical and online classroom) for a single course.

What is Blended Learning? – Definition
Blended learning is a pedagogical method that combines online educational materials and instructor-led teaching in a classroom. It involves both computer-based and instructor-led training in a physical presence of both teacher and students. It encourages personalization of learning experience by combining the aspects of both digital and traditional teaching methods.
Benefits of Blended Learning
Blended Learning is certainly a fool-proof method to augment a learner’s experience, providing them more opportunities to explore the subjects and topics of their choices. However, the advantages of this pedagogical method go much beyond that. Let’s have a look at some benefits of Blended Learning for learners, teachers and organizations.
Convenience and Flexibility
Blended Learning methods provide learners great convenience and flexibility to control the pace at which they are learning. The lessons designed in Smart Learning Solutions like Digital Language Lab, Learn on Tab, and Virtual Classrooms in a specific manner to aid self-paced learning. With the help of its immense learning repository, students can access course material conveniently to get more comprehensive understanding of the curriculum.
Better Deliverance of Knowledge
As compared to the traditional learning methods that involved only chalk and blackboard model, Blended Learning gives learners a better viewpoint towards the concepts. Aided by multimedia-rich learning material, students can get more practical insight of complex topics they are learning.
Better Learner Engagement
When infused with technology, learning becomes an engaging and much impactful phenomenon for both students and teachers. With the help of Blended Learning approach, teachers can deploy an array of learning methods like gamification, quizzes, live polls, simulations, videos, etc. to build better student engagement.
More Effective and Cost Efficient
Since Blending Learning Methods rely on a digital repository for students’ learning requirements, it is more effective as well as cost-efficient since e-books and digital learning content is more affordable as compared to physical books and learning material.
In today’s education scenario, both Hybrid Learning and Blended Learning models are being readily accepted by educators across the world. To support this model of learning, Globus Infocom (one of leading Make in India education technology providers) has a plethora of online learning solutions including Virtual Classroom and Learning Management System and Recording and Streaming Studio.
Virtual Classroom is a comprehensive online learning solution that combines the capabilities of remote learning as well as Learning Management System. This solution provides an organized platform to conduct online classes as well as to maintain learning resources and keep track of students’ academic performance.
On the other hand, Globus Recording and Streaming Studio is an up and coming solution to bring all the functionalities of capturing, streaming and recording under the roof of a single, unified solution. It includes an AI-Tracking Camera, Recording & Streaming Device, Amplifier and a Wireless Microphone to conduct seamless live-streaming sessions while conducting collaborative video conferencing.
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Shilpi Anand
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