Wearable surveillance solutions like Body Worn Camera reduces the overall requirement of using force by a police officer by 50 per cent.
5 Ways in Which Body Worn Cameras Fortify Law Enforcement
August 21, 2021 3:46:48 PM IST
How Globus Interactive Display Can Help Education In Post-Pandemic
October 13, 2021 6:02:07 PM IST
During these uncertain times, we certainly know that education has changed forever. Though, educational institutes have gradually resumed their physical academic activities
Why more and more schools are adopting Digital Boards in classroom
December 23, 2021 4:36:31 PM IST
The education in 21st Century has shifted towards learner-centric structure. With the increasing modernization and digitalization in all areas of our lives, completely new possibilities for teaching and learning are opening to fulfil the needs of schools.
Returning to the classroom, how technology can help teachers and students to create constructive learning ENVIRONMENT?
January 18, 2022 4:15:55 PM IST
The rise of Globalisation since 21st century have escalated the use of technologies in every field. Most importantly current moderation in Education system in India can see amplification of use of technologies in classrooms
How to maximize 4Cs in classroom through EdTech learning?
February 17, 2022 10:55:46 AM IST
Have you ever imagined during the nineties to be in classes where you can see the texts of your book digitally?
How classrooms can create a collaborative & accessible hybrid learning environment with Interactive Display
March 21, 2022 11:37:59 AM IST
Remote education is one of the alternatives against traditional learning. The purpose behind this is to teach while students and teachers are not in the same vicinity
How education in the mother tongue in primary years of schools can elevate educational outcome
August 4, 2022 7:15:48 PM IST
The first important thing a child learns after his/her birth is to speak and speak in his/her birth language said to be as mother tongue.
Why should schools opt for experiential learning over rote learning?
August 4, 2022 7:43:22 PM IST
Do you remember the chapter on gravity and the story related to it? How an apple falling from a tree helped Newton in the development of the theory of gravity.
Top 5 trends to look out for in Virtual Classroom in 2022
October 21, 2022 11:44:23 AM IST
E-learning is the new trend! Yes, you read it right; Had you ever imagined seating in a regular class through the online mode?